Young Numismatists (YN) Program
We have an excellent YN program, where young numismatists meet together prior to our general meeting. The YNs engage in projects,
educational programs, and exhibits. The YN Program is administered by WCNS member Mark Matys. Kids of all ages (even old ages)
are welcome.
Please contact Mark as the location is subject to change:
YN eLetter Archive
YN Summer Adventure 2024
YN Summer Adventure information is here! Click on the image to the left to see the Summer Adventure description. For all of you who responded to our YN email, you will receive your assignments shortly. If anyone else would like to participate, let us know! Email is at
YN Summer Adventure 2019
Howdy partners! Click the icon to the left for the description of the YN Summer Adventure for 2019! All YN deputies who complete the tasks
described will be promoted to Sherriff and will be assigned to a region of the Wild West.
YN Summer Adventure 2018
Mint Mark Man! Click here for this year's Summer Adventure!
Each month, there is a special topic and a newletter (the eLetter) that goes out to the YNs. If you are interested in speaking to the YNs, you can reach them by sending
email to the club at
YN Summer Adventure 2017
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The study and exploration of Ancient Egypt. This course requires the study of Egyptian Hieroglyphics, the history of Pharoses, and layout (geography) of Ancient Egypt. After the studies and presentations are complete, …
Click here for more information.
Contact Mark: for new participants.
Summer meeting - TBA -- Contact Mark at
YN Summer Adventure 2016
You have been sent back in time to the years 1856, 1857 or 1858! Now, as a companion of the DOCTOR (Director of Coins Tokens Obverse Reverse),
you must help me find you! You must solve the clues so I can travel back in time to bring you back to the present…
Click here for more information.
Contact Mark: for new participants.
Summer meeting - TBA
YN Coin Hunter Summer Adventure 2015
Click here for more information.
Contact Mark: for new participants.
Summer meeting in August - TBA
Click here to see the year 2013's YN Coin Safari (Summer Project)...