Constitution and By-Laws

As amended on 2019 December 13

Worcester County Numismatic Society
Founded 1946


ARTICLE I. This organization shall be known as the Worcester County Numismatic Society.
ARTICLE II. The Society is a not-for-profit educational organization with the purpose of encouraging and promoting interest in numismatics and to cultivate friendly relations among collectors.
ARTICLE III. Persons of good character who are interested in numismatics are eligible for membership.
ARTICLE IV. The elective officers of this Society shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. No person shall hold more than one office at a time.
The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers, plus additional elected positions as desired or needed, and approved by the membership of the Society.
ARTICLE V. The Fiscal Year of the Society shall be from January 1 to December 31.
ARTICLE VI. This constitution may be amended by a three-fourths affirmative vote of the members in good standing who are present at any regular meeting, provided said amendments proposed shall have been presented in writing and read at the preceding meeting and the members duly notified by mail.


SECTION 1. The regular meetings shall be held the second Friday of each month at such time and place as designated by the majority of the members present at any regular meeting unless otherwise voted.
SECTION 2. Ten members in good standing constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

SECTION 1. The membership of this Society shall consist of Members, Junior Members, Honorary Members, and Life Members. In addition, Family Memberships allow up to two adults and all minors residing at a single address. New membership categories may be created at the recommendation of the Board of Directors and by approval of members in good standing at a regular meeting.
SECTION 2. Members shall constitute governing body of the Society from which all elective officers shall be chosen.
SECTION 3. The members of this Society who signed the original Constitution on or before June 14, 1946, are now known as Charter Members and receive cards indicating this distinction as Life Members.
SECTION 4. Individuals who have rendered this Society or the Science of Numismatics distinctive service, may be conferred Honorary Membership by vote of the Society.
SECTION 5. A candidate for membership shall be sponsored by a Member in good standing, and the application may be acted upon at the next regular meeting of the Society. Three negative votes shall defeat his or her election.

SECTION 1. Nomination of officers shall be made by a Nominating committee, but any member in good standing shall have the privilege of nominating from the floor at the regular December meeting.
SECTION 2. The election of officers shall be by ballot at the regular January meeting. A majority vote of the members in good standing who are present at the meeting shall elect.
SECTION 3. The officers shall assume office at the regular meeting in January and shall serve in their respective capacities for a period of two years, or until their successors shall have been elected and installed. At the end of their elected term, if not re-elected, officers must turn over all records, moneys, papers, or other property of the Society to their respective replacements.
SECTION 4. The President shall occupy the Chair at the meetings of the Society and appoint all Committees.
SECTION 5. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President and in the absence of both, a President pro-tempore shall occupy the Chair.
SECTION 6. The Secretary shall take correct minutes of the proceedings of the Society, preserve all documents belonging thereto; notify all Members of the election, as well as Committees of their appointment; send out notices to Members of the time and place of all Meetings; and keep the correct list of the Members of this Society.
SECTION 7. The Treasurer shall receive and take charge of the funds of the Society, and attend to the collection and payment of moneys. Disbursements can be made only with the prior approval of the Board of Directors. For large and unbudgeted items over $500 approved by the Board of Directors, a vote of members in good standing at a regular meeting is required.
The Treasurer shall present a statement of all receipts and disbursements at the Annual Meeting in January.
SECTION 8: If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice-President shall assume the office for the remainder of the term. Vacancies in any other office shall be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 1. The dues shall be voted annually by the members in good standing, with a recommendation provided by the Board of Directors. Applicants admitted in the second half of the year shall pay one-half the annual dues.
Junior Members under 18 years of age shall pay one-half the annual dues. A Family Membership shall pay twice the annual dues. New membership categories and dues schedules may be created at the recommendation of the Board of Directors and by approval of members in good standing at a regular meeting.
SECTION 2. Members of the Board of Directors and the YN Coordinator are exempt from paying annual dues while in their positions in thanks for their contributions to the Society. If a Board Member or YN Coordinator is part of a Family Membership, the Family Membership dues shall be reduced by the amount of the annual (individual) dues.
SECTION 3. Members four months in arrears may be suspended. Any members suspended for non-payment of dues may be re-instated on payment of charges.

SECTION 1. All parliamentary questions not herein provided for shall be decided according to Robert’s Rules of Order
SECTION 2. All By-laws or parts of By-laws not herein enacted are hereby repealed. These By-laws may be amended by a vote of three-fourths of the Members in good standing who are present at a stated meeting, after Members have been notified of the proposed amendment.

SECTION 1. Disbandment/Dissolution – An order to disband or dissolve the Worcester County Numismatic Society can be made by any remaining officer(s) of the club, and voted on by any remaining active members in good standing. It will pass by two-thirds majority vote.
SECTION 2. Cash or Property – Upon disbandment of the Society, any cash or property owned by the club after all bills have been paid shall be donated to the American Numismatic Association or other non-profit numismatic association.

  Worcester County Numismatic Society      --      Founded 1946      --      Email: